Monday, August 10, 2015

The Importance of Self Care

We live pretty busy lives these days. Work, school, family, friends, kids, working out... it can be hard to keep up with everything let alone to take some time for yourself. But then we become tired, unmotivated, cranky, and displace our anger and resentments on the ones we love.  It is important for all of us to remember that we should take, neigh MAKE the time to pamper our souls. Some people feel that taking time for yourself is selfish but I believe it will make you be a better person in all the roles you play in life. For those of you who aren't sure what to do try starting with some of my favorites!!

- mani/pedi
- yoga
- walk in the park/beach
- take yourself to a solo meal
- get a cheap massage
- read a book
- go window shopping
- play with pets
- go on the swings (not kidding it is the best thing! and yes that is definitely me!)

Do whatever makes you happy!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dear mind, SHUT UP!

In the counseling world we use a tool called the cognitive triangle to help our clients become aware of just how important their thoughts are. For many of us there is a constant chatter in our brain of our inner voices.  Unfortunately, that voice tends to be critical and negative which then affects how we feel. Depression is closely linked to negative self-talk.  One of the most important things you can do to feel happy and healthy is to stop yourself when your critical voice kicks in.  I always tell my clients to speak to themselves as they would to a child. You wouldn't tell a child that they were a failure or stupid for forgetting to turn off a coffee pot, so why tell yourself? Give it a try and pay attention to your thoughts for a day or an hour if that is all you can take.

P.S. The quote below is from therapist Brene Brown who is also a great author! Check out her book: 'The Gift of Imperfections."

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Hello Universe!

This will be a blog dedicated to all things mind body and soul. I am a registered marriage and family therapist intern with a passion to help you live the best life possible! Wellness, in it's literal definition means a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in  an overall feeling of well-being. I want to tell you that this balance is possible. My role as a therapist is to guide you toward finding that balance within yourself. That is most certainly not to say that I have found it and am living in a nirvana state of mind 24/7. Finding this balance is a journey, but it is a journey that we are on together. I will post meditations, therapeutic tips and techniques, and general musings that I hope will be helpful.  If you have any questions my email door is always open. In the future I will post information on my practice should you need to seek counseling services.

**If you are in need of immediate counseling or in crisis contact: 1-800-273-8255.**

